Scary planes!

Happy Halloween everybody! What better way to celebrate than to look at some of the scariest planes ever? Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II "The Warthog" It's ugly. It carries 16,000lbs of weaponry. It shrugs off most damage like it was nothing. It's built around a 30mm cannon that is bigger than a VW Beetle . The A-10 is friggin' scary. It's also badass. Don't just take my word for it, read the best description ever of the A-10 here: Allied ground troops love the A-10, but insurgents have nicknamed it "whispering death" thanks to its distinctive sound and brutal effectiveness. Yet, for some reason, the USAF wants to get rid of it. Tupolev Tu-95 Bear More than anything else in the Cold War, this aircraft had us scared. Not because it was ugly. Not because is was the fastest turboprop aircraft ever put into service... Or the loudest . What made th...