About those ads...

I was initially hesitant to allow advertising on this blog. I did not want the appearance of "shilling", nor did I wish to add to the clickbait-culture of the internet. Since their implementation, the ads have provided a very modest income. Google Adsense is set up to pay out only if the earnings are above $100. For this humble website, that means months between payouts. I certainly will not be quitting my "day job" any time soon. I would like to put this money to good use, however. This year, I decided to take the most recent payout and donate the majority of it to the Wounded Warriors of Canada. Some of you may remember this non-profit group from this past summer's "22 Push-Up Challenge". WWC's goal is to help veterans and first responders suffering from PTSD and other mental illnesses, as well as their families. Their website can be found here . This holiday season, I encourage all my readers to consider donating or vol...