
Take close look at the following: What you are looking at is 4 F-35Bs, 2 KC-10 Extenders, 1 C-17 Globemaster III, and 1 KC-130 Hercules. All together, you are looking at approximately $1 billion worth of hardware. (Give or take, but I'm being generous here.) These aircraft you see above will gather soon for a purpose . That purpose: So that the JSF can make its international debut in the United Kingdom . The F-35B is scheduled to perform a flight demonstration at the Royal International Air Tattoo in Fairford, followed by another aerial demonstration in Farnborough. There is also hope that the F-35B will perform a flyby during the HMS Queen Elizabeth's naming ceremony in Scotland. Four fighters, two tankers, one heavy transport, one medium transport and around 80 personnel. That is what is needed in order for the F-35 to perform two air shows and a fly by. There may be a static display at the Air Tattoo, but...