Requiem for a Warthog.

Icon of ugly, the A-10. It won't be long now. The A-10 Thunderbolt II a.k.a "The Warthog" will soon be retired from active U.S. service . The Pentagon's upcoming budget needs to direct funding to more "vital" projects like the F-35 and "Next Generation Bomber". The only way to make up that money is not just by grounding aircraft , but entire fleets of aircraft. By retiring the A-10, the USAF can save $3.5 billion. The plan has met with quite a bit of resistance . The A-10 is loved by ground troops, and many are skeptical about whether its replacement, the F-35, will be able to fill the Warthog's shoes. It's easy to see why. The F-35 looks like Miley Cyrus compared to the A-10's Rampage Jackson . While one is known for its immaturity and controversy, the other is known for its ability to give and take a beating. "Who you callin' 'ugly'"? Developed in the early 70s as a close-air-support (C...