[Welcome to "NITPICK"! For the next few weeks I will be examining a single aspect of the potential fighters that just drives me nuts. These are not dealbreakers, or even major flaws. They are simply one aspect of the aircraft THAT COULD HAVE BEEN DONE BETTER.] Since we have gone over the (canted) pylon problems with the Super Hornet and the (lack of internal) pylon problems with the JSF, it seems only fair that we nitpick the Gripen's pylon problems as well. There is nothing wrong with the Gripen's pylons per se . They are certainly there. They do a serviceable job attaching various weapons to the aircraft. They all point in the same forward direction (* cough*Super Hornet). Yet... There is something unsettling about the Gripen's pylons. Admittedly, it took a while for me to figure it out. Even "clean" the Gripen's sleek lines are interrupted by pylons. Pylons on each wingtip. Two mor...