BUDGET 2016: More kicking of the can.

Well... That was... Expected. The Liberal Party of Canada's first Federal budget since forming the government is finally here. To the surprise of pretty much no one, defense spending is once again put on the back-burner. This, despite an eye-watering $29.4 billion deficit projected for this year. Those hoping for increased funding will have to wait until 2020 before funding for large scale projects (CSPS, CF-18 replacement, etc) takes effect. This is precariously close to the end of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mandate. In all possibility, this increase in funding could very well hinge on the outcome of the next federal election. (insert groan here) Ugh. One might view this as a possible return to the "Days of Darkness" that occurred under Prime Minister Jean Chretien... And rightly so. To be fair, however, this budget does not make an about-face in Canadian military spending. The previous St...