

  Soā€¦. Now what? The process is still far from over but what is left is mostly mundane and bureaucratic.  Stuff like finalizing costs, delivery dates, etc. Hopefully, Canada can now focus it procurement efforts on  revitalizing the rest of the Canadian Armed Forces.  With fighters and frigates out of the way; itā€™s high time we look into replacing our submarines, MRTTs, and other.  Recent lessons from the war in Ukraine has also made it clear that UCAVs are the future of warfare.  Canada best catch up. Was all this for nothing?  No.  I do not believe so.  Even though Canada is still choosing the F-35, it is doing so in a much more rational way.  We have taken the time to evaluate our needs.  Taken a clear look at the options.  We have arrived at a decision removed from political whim.  Ultimately, Canada is getting a lot more aircraft than initially planned.  We are also getting later build F-35s.  Now, more of th...


  For those of you wondering how Saab lost the FFCP competition, new information has come to light... According inside sources, the initial scoring of the two fighters was incredibly close.  The F-35 did indeed win the "Capability" category (worth up to 60%) while the Gripen E ended up being ahead on both price (worth 20%) and industrial offsets (worth the remaining 20%).   According to my source April Furst, who is currently serving an internship in the House of Commons.  The ultimate decision was made rather hastily while the final scores were being tallied up.   "Due to COVID restrictions and renovations, the FFCP committee were forced to convene in a remote office located in the basement of the Parliament building.  You could tell it wasn't used very often.  Lots of cobwebs, and the whole place smelled musty and moldy.   "The committee members were doing their thing, going down each individual line of the respective offers.  It was actual...


  The F-35 will be Canada's next fighter.   In a process more than ten years in the making, the Canadian government officially announced that it is entering talks with Lockheed Martin to procure 88 F-35A Lightning II multirole fighter aircraft.   If talks break down, the Canadian government reserves the right to approach Saab and acquire the Gripen instead.  This scenario is highly unlikely...  But not impossible given the long sordid history of the FFCP.   Canada first announced that it was buying the F-35 way back  in 2010, only to be "reset".  It appears we have come full circle. What was the point? The truth is, the initial decision to purchase the F-35 was incredibly flawed.  Costs were unrealistically optimistic.  The aircraft's development was deeply troubled.  No serious consideration was given to any other aircraft.  Even the number of aircraft to be purchased (65) seemed to be shockingly low.   Canada made the ri...


  Note:  This new is still breaking... Unconfirmed reports are coming in that the Lockheed Martin F-35A will be announced as the replacement for Canada's aging CF-18 Hornet.   It is said that Lockheed Martin is now the " preferred bidder " and final talks will take place.  If those talks fall through, then the Saab Gripen E will be next in line.   More to follow. 


  While we wait for Canada to finally announce it replacement for the CF-18, we find the world a much different place than it was when this whole saga began.   While war is certainly nothing new, the unprovoked incursion by Russia into Ukraine seems different.  Marrying some of the worst elements of both the Cold War and World War II, the Russian invasion has been brutal and unforgiving.  Civilian casualties have been high , with Russian forces being rather indiscriminate in their targets.   After years of seeing wars fought with precision guided munitions used in overwhelming force, we may have forgotten just how "messy" war can be.   Given Vladimir Putin's shaky justification for the "military exercise" and the Ukrainian early victory in the " propaganda war "; it did not take long for the rest of the world to pick sides in this conflict.  Most of the world have declared Ukraine as the "good guy" with only Russia's most stalwart allies...


 Please take the time to watch, like and subscribe to this wonderful new YouTube channel!  (or donā€™t...  itā€™s a free countryā€¦) Dana is a wonderful historian and skillful photographer.  On top of that, his soulful baritone voice has been known to soothe rampant mĆøĆøse and the occasional rabid grizzly.  You might even catch a glimpse of a certain fighter aircraftā€¦ For this of you who donā€™t know, Dana is a good friend who helps out in the Best Fighter for Canada Facebook group.  Best of luck, Danaā€¦  and may the YouTube algorithm take a liking to ya!


  Immediately following the Russian invasion, a brave Ukrainian pilot strapped into a Cold War-era MiG-29 Fulcrum and took to the skies.  Fueled by an undying love of their homeland, they quickly tallied up a combat record heretofore unseen.   Two Russian Su-35s, one Su-27, one MiG-29, and two Su-25s were brought down by a single pilot on the first day of conflictā€¦  All by the same Ukrainian pilot.  That pilot became the first ā€œaceā€ of the 21st century and has joined the ranks of legends like the Red Baron.  Thus the legend of the "Ghost of Kyiv" was born. Itā€™s all true . Or is it?   Realistically, there should be no way a single MiG-29 should be capable of such a feat.  While it is a capable aircraft, it is inferior to the Su-27.  Compared to the more modern Su-35, the Fulcrum is outclassed in almost every wayā€¦ Aerial combat is not simply about "Fighter A" being better than "Fighter B".  Pilot skill, ground support, intelligence, tactic...