"WILL YOU SHUT UP MAN?" I've been trying to avoid this. I really have. I know if I start talking about American politics I run the risk of devolving into a dangerous rant spiral I may not be able to escape from... But we have to talk about it. In much the same way that 2020 has become a defining year of a generation, the upcoming American election has become a crucial turning point in American history. Election 2020 is not simply a matter of Republican versus Democrat. Election 2020 is the point at which America either continues down the path of Trumpian demagoguery or manages to hit a soft "reset" button to go back to the pre-2016 "normal"... Flawed as it was. Don't worry, I will resist the urge to count down all of Donald Trump's sins against democracy and common decency. Those are plentiful and well publicized. I won't even go into Trump's disastrous negligence in dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic. Instead, I will c...