[Welcome to "NITPICK"! For the next few weeks I will be examining a single aspect of the potential fighters that just drives me nuts. These are not dealbreakers, or even major flaws. They are simply one aspect of the aircraft THAT COULD HAVE BEEN DONE BETTER.] Like all other aircraft that place an emphasis on stealth, the F-35 Lightning II was designed to carry weapons tucked away inside. This is not just a feature of the JSF, it damn near defines it. By storing weapons internally, an aircraft greatly reduces its radar cross section. This has made internal weapon storage almost mandatory for any aircraft aspiring to low observability. Some have even expressed the opinion that storing weapons externally on a stealth fighter all but cancels out any advantages of a stealth platform. Without the advantage of stealth, the F-35 becomes rather underwhelming. It still offers plenty of cutting edge technolo...