Brothers from different mothers? For those of you whom have been living under a rock the last 24 hours, Bombardier has now partnered with Airbus in order to save the C-Series. No actual money has exchanged hands, but Airbus now owns 50.01% of the C-Series program. This gives Airbus controlling interest in the jetliner moving forward. While this may seem like a blow to Bombardier to see its pride and joy become the property of someone else, this partnership all but assures the future of the C-Series and Bombardier as a whole. Under this new partnership, C-Series headquarters will remain in Montreal and production will continue in Bombardier's Mirabel assembly plant. Airbus will expand C-Series production by utilizing its pre-existing plant in Mobile, Alabama. This will allow the C-Series to circumvent the U.S. Department of Commerce's crippling 300% import tariffs. Airbus will also contribute its considerable marketing and supply chain prowess. ...