CC-115 Buffalo If an individual ever had doubts about just how bewildering Canada's military procurement methods are, look no further than the efforts to replace its fixed-wing search and rescue (FWSAR) fleet. Announced in 2004 , the FWSAR replacement project has seen countless delays . Even more frustrating is that none of these delays are caused by technical issues. Instead, the FWSAR has been a victim of politics and bureaucracy gumming up what should have been a straight-forward project. The need is there to replace Canada's aging CC-115 Buffalo . The 60s era airframe has not been built since 1986. Parts are increasingly difficult to procure and maintenance is a challenge. Cost is not an issue. Compared to the $9 billion CF-18 replacement and the $38 billion National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy ( NSPS ), the $3.1 billion (service contract included) FWSAR project is unlikely to raise any objections. Politi...